Event Details
October 30, 2024

Speaker: Peter Siris: Chris Piros




Our Election System is Broken: It Must be Fixed!

Most Americans are caught up in the highly fought 2024 election campaign. But the reality is that for about 85% of Americans, your vote does not count.
  • A few people in a few states select the President.
  • Only 1% of incumbents lose in primaries.
  • Only 4% of the people in states with traditional election systems have votes for Congress that mean anything,
  • Even fewer have meaningful votes for state legislatures.

As you go to vote, ask yourself, when was the last time I cast a vote that meant anything? For most of you, the answer is – not in decades.

The lack of competition has led to increased polarization, making it difficult to pass many needed laws.  The parties and their media allies play to their bases.  Moderates have become almost extinct.  Americans have lost trust in their government, elections, media, and political parties.  While independents have become the largest voting group, the two major parties have gained a stranglehold on the political system.

We don’t know who will win the election, but we do know the situation is likely to get worse.  One way or another, we are likely to have a polarized and divided government that would rather fight than solve our problems.

No matter your political position, we have to act now to start to fix our election system before democracy disappears.


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