Our Government is Broken. What Can We Do to Fix It?

"A republic, IF you can keep it" -Ben Franklin

We Can Break Partisan Gridlock by Achieving Three Goals

40% of Americans still don’t believe the results of the last Presidential election.  For democracy to work we need people to vote and to believe in the election outcome.

Through gerrymandering and other partisan practices, only 10% of Congressional elections are competitive.  That’s no way to make politicians compete for votes.

Legislative practices, outdated election laws and the growing importance of big money, make our government too much of an inside game.

Reform Elections Now (REN) is a non-partisan group of law and business school graduates looking for ways to eliminate the government paralysis which is threatening the health of our democracy and making the United States uncompetitive.


Our Election System Is Broken

Most Americans are caught up in the highly fought 2024 election campaign. But the reality is that for about 85% of Americans, your vote does not count.

  • A few people in a few states select the President.
  • Only 1% of incumbents lose in primaries.
  • Only 4% of the people in states with traditional election systems have votes for Congress that mean anything,
  • Even fewer have meaningful votes for state legislatures.


As you go to vote, ask yourself, when was the last time I cast a vote that meant anything? For most of you, the answer is – not in decades.

Please join Reform Elections Now on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. ET, when we will discuss why our democracy is at such risk and how to fix it.

We encourage you to forward this invitation to those who might be interested. And if you are not already subscribed to our mailing list, please click the “Join Us” link on our homepage to sign up for future announcements.

Featured Event Vignettes

Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow at Stanford University

On why if you’re not scared what might happen in two years… you should be

Peter Siris, Research Director at Reform Elections Now

On unlike my prediction in 2020, this prediction should never come to pass

Richard Pildes, Professor of Constitutional Law at NYU

On 3 ways how to avoid a constitutional crisis in 2024

Edward B. Foley, Professor of Election &Constitutional Law at School of Law, The Ohio State University

On why the outdated Electoral Count Act needs to be urgently updated (which it ultimately was on Dec ’22 with guidance from Foley’s  group and REN)

Quick Takes

Reform Elections Now – brief and timely commentary on the latest news.