Event Details
December 19, 2024

Speaker: Larry Diamond, Edward Foley, Rick Pildes, Peter Siris, Mike Otten




Depolarization Of America Through Election Reform

In 2021, a group of the leading academics in the United States formed a Task Force to study the polarization of the American electorate and arrive at solutions to the dysfunction of our electoral system. The public kick-off of their work took place at an HBS Club of NY event.

The key area of focus for this Task Force has been addressing the question of “In the midst of the political ugliness that has become part of our everyday reality, are there steps that can be taken to counter polarization and extremism—practical steps that are acceptable across the political spectrum?”  To answer that question, starting from the premise that the way our political processes are designed inevitably creates incentives for certain styles of politics and candidates, the Task Force on American Electoral Reform spent two years exploring alternative ideas for reforming key aspects of the US electoral process. The results of their work are presented in this essential book. These leading academicians have now written a book entitled, “Electoral Reform in the United States: Proposals for Combating Polarization and Extremism,” to be published at the end of this year.

We are extremely fortunate to have the three leaders of this task force, Larry Diamond, a professor at Stanford University and noted Democracy expert, Edward Foley, the Director of the Constitutional Law Center at Ohio State University, and Rick Pildes, a Professor of Constitutional Law at N.Y.U. Law School, who will present the findings of their Task Force on new election systems, revamping primary elections, changing the system for Presidential nominations, and creating new campaign financing rules.


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